Reaching Out With Yoga
Led by the BC Society of Transition Houses, this project delivered and evaluated a trauma-informed yoga program in shelters and transition houses in communities across British Columbia to improve the physical and mental health of women and children recovering from family violence. Staff were trained to use yoga techniques in their professional practice, and in their self-care to address vicarious trauma.
Project Partner – Yoga Outreach: Reaching Out With Yoga Project – Yoga Outreach
Learn more: Reaching Out With Yoga | BC Society of Transition Houses (
Community of Practice Members
Renee Turner, BC Society of Transition Houses
Hannah Lee, BC Society of Transition Houses
Winter 2017
Joanne Baker and Renee Turner presented the “Reaching out with Yoga” project at the “Canadian Conference on Promoting Healthy Relationships for Youth: Breaking Down the Silos in Addressing Mental Health and Violence” that took place in London, Ontario from February 15 to 17, 2017. Learn more:
What did the women’s data tell us? ROWY-WOMEN-Summary-of-Findings.pdf (
What did the children and youth data tell us? ROWY-CY-Summary-of-Findings.pdf (
What did the staff data tell us? ROWY-STAFF-Summary-of-Findings.pdf (
Booklets developed through this project on how to do trauma-informed yoga are available at: Reaching Out With Yoga | BC Society of Transition Houses (
A series of videos for women and youth who have experienced violence to do yoga when classes are not available to them: Reaching Out With Yoga Project – Yoga Outreach